I hate working reddit. I hate the concept of 5 day work weeks.
I hate working reddit. You work with the same people for years, they become colleagues or even friends. Worst part is, in my organization, every manager is like this. Two-person or three-person groups are about all that should be attempted unless the work is really large enough to need more and the work can be easily subdivided (theater and music performance can handle large group efforts, because there is a single director and traditional roles that almost everyone understands before the course starts). See full list on indeed. I've been working at it for fifteen years, in that entire decade and a half I've made maybe 10k with music. Didn't really start enjoying it until other cyclists began inviting me on group rides. They don't pay you enough to deserve your best. I know many scientists who even do field work (soils, forests, agriculture, hydrology, wetlands, etc). My plan is to get out next year and transfer to full time building. I hate group work/group projects. I just graduated and started working full time this week. You don't hate working, you just hate the work you are doing. The key is feeling taken advantage of. I've worked in media for 20 years and going to work just seems like part of my life, not a job. Most people think that group work is essential in college to learn cooperation skills, and disliking group work is seen as socially unacceptable. It's probably not the working you hate, it's the jobs you do - change them. So, every group in the class has a WhatsApp group chat set up for communicating. Some work in jobs that benefit from scientific knowledge without directly using it like sales, technical writing, project management, computer science, teaching. I'm with you. I hate the concept of 5 day work weeks. If I could make a decent wage working 25-30 hours a week I would be fine with it. I hate rude customers (I've learned that the young generation are really nice, while people older than me are really rude, people from 45-70 years old especially) I sit in the office, doing again the minimal amount of work, which is actually not enough to sustain the business and pay the employees, sales are going down slowly every month, making it worse. I work 3 nights a week, was in school the other day. I'm bored shitless and don't see myself lasting in any 9-5 jobs at all as they're just so fucking boring, monotonous and pointless imo. If you hate your job, definitely look for something else - but best to keep the current job until you have a letter/email of acceptance and onboarding instructions from the new job. If you would like some help on ways to create a "work zone" so you can get your head into work I could try to help. I dislike people (I really only like my family and friends), I hate that people are bossing me around like I'm a robot. Still hated my work ride, but then my fellow bike nerds and I would compare times/personal bests. I don't like challenging myself and I don't feel excited about it. While I feel very lucky, I HATE my job. DON'T. Hi all,I'm at a major decision making moment in my life. I used to think everyone dreaded going to work. I knew I hated it less than 1. If you find the right type of work, you won't hate it. I genuinely like what I do and the company I work for. Other users reply with their opinions, experiences, and advice on how to find happiness and fulfillment. They are incredibly understaffed so even though the ratio is 7:1 I am sometimes working alone with 10+ children, I’m supposed to work 8:30-6 but they have been begging me to change to 6:30-4 and putting me on the schedule for those hours even though one of the main reasons I went to this daycare was that they promised me the 8:30-6 schedule Thing is, with work from home, there’s no separation from work, so you’re always available, there’s no natural “ending” time like the office, and as long as there’s work to be done, it’s all too easy to just sit there and keep working… and all to easy for coworkers and the boss to keep messaging and asking for things, long past 6pm. I'm already fucking sick and tired of working. Before you ask, I sent an email out nudging my members to help contribute but nothings happened. I only work because I don't have a choice, I got bills to pay. It’s not just because I get paid peanuts and have debt, it’s physically exhausting and mentally draining. Like that preggo teen who's always on her phone, hasn't shown up for work half the time and is still somehow Office jobs play a huge role in the increase of burnouts: the constant digital work removes the connection between your input and the results, there's open offices with zero privacy (almost every single office these days), you have commute, less independence than ever, bright lighting any season, no sunshine, and every job seems the same. A user shares their frustration with work in general and asks if anyone else feels the same. But then you have to move like 4 times over 5 years before getting a tenure-track job, where you get paid like $50k for 6 years of working your ass off to publish. I’ve missed birthdays, christmases, seeing family, holidays, sleep and life in general. Then it’s always ‘do more with less. I graduated and spent about 4 months after only working 3 days a week so I could just chill the fuck out for a while. I'm still working at it and I'll never give up on it, but yeah the reality is I'm gonna be working a day job to support myself probably until I retire. For me it’s not that I hate the work, it’s that I hate the hours. If you have a family or regular friends you can do stuff with outside/between work, that fills that need. But every few months, someone in my work group (which includes around 10 people) likes to schedule these social events that are intended to be "fun". Having to go to work everyday makes me wanna just die. Yesterday my boss extended my shift tomorrow (without consulting me) and changed my 4 hour shift into 10 hours- 7am to 11am, which is now 7am to 5pm. I hate interacting with people I just want to be left alone. 🙃 8-5 working from home is the only time I didn't hate my day job because no commute, can get up and go for a walk mid day and had more time for hobbies because no commute or getting ready for work. Sometimes you can make $35-$40 an hour during the right time of year and the right shift. I only do it to survive. Im with you, I feel the same way and it definately is difficult to keep going to work when you feel that way. I hate working. For the most part, I enjoy my job. I actually enjoy working. It's a 15 minute presentation and I've done all the work by myself. com May 15, 2023 · If you feel miserable at work, you’re not alone. I hate that out of 24 hours a day around 10 hours (with commute, unpaid break and getting ready) im forced to stay at a place that I don't want to be in. The minute people feel taken advantage of or unappreciated, you can't motivate them. But people tend to like being helpful. I was going to be a professor. I work best alone and appreciate my personal space. For one of my classes this semester I have a group project. I would not hate work if we weren’t expected to work a 40 hour work week - or if that 40 hour work week at least guaranteed a livable wage. I currently work in supply chain in a hospital. Easier said than done. I know I should feel grateful and lucky. Get up at five. And I'm struggling with it, lost a lot of sleep over the last few days. problem is manager on duty has to do a walk of the store which can last 10-30 min after 10pm and all doors are locked so no1 can leave until it’s complete. I don’t give thousands of dollars to the school to “work with a partner” like a middle schooler. But like others have said it might be worth trying something different. I am a 2020 graduate who was lucky to land my first corporate job during the pandemic. Another example is work-life separation. The key with working out is doing it until it becomes a habit. Like I don't start work really until 11am until my brain is working right. Now I know it's not the case and I'm lucky enough to feel fine about where I work. Everyday I wake up and feel a sense of dread that I have to work. A post on r/offmychest subreddit expresses the frustration and boredom of working a blue collar job and wishing for something else. From what I understand, most people actually hate working. Technically, I have a good-paying job but I find no joy or pleasure in doing it. I find most people who hate working hate the hyper capitalist idea of working, not doing actual work that would be necessary for their survival and forces you to be mentally focused and stimulated, and not just doing the same thing repeatedly for 8 hours 5 days a week You may be tempted to take pride in your work or Go Above and Beyond™ as they all encourage you to. It really helps to have a separate, dedicated workspace so you can get some mental separation between work time and private time. Working 12+ hours a day, for nothing. I don't know what it is you hate so much- if it's having any kind of demand on your time, then that will be an issue with any work. But then each week it was like a new person decided that they would make my life hell. I can't think of a job where I wouldn't be miserable in. true. I think that group work should be optional in college. shift ended pretty much at 10pm and ofc they don’t like you working overtime. People always say they dont want to work a 9-5, and imo unless you get really lucky and get famous in some way, youre either going to be: working 24/7 starting your own business, which is TOTALLY fine, keep hustlin working random shift work including evenings, overnights, or weekends, leading to missing out on xyz. No matter what, I always hate work. If you really hate working out and need to develop a mindset you’ll want to try and reprogram your thought process on working out. Don’t get me wrong, I like my coworkers and my bosses are pretty chill but I’ve started having repeated events of being so goddamn allergic to going into work. So most people hate work because most work is complete bs. I have worked in jobs I've hated and it's a total nightmare. I hate the idea of working hard, and I hate that I have to work hard everyday for the rest of my life. I hate work, though thankfully I work from home with my husband who accommodates me so I can be fairly productive. I also hate cleaning and organizing and have no interest in hobbies beyond reading, TV, and puzzles. I hate exercising but I like not getting fired/not being homeless. Learn how to create an exit strategy, set boundaries, and find a job that suits you better. There was no reason except to except "it's alway's been done this way" I get less work done because of the social butterflies flitting about and chitchatting and breaking my flow. I hate fucking commuting 30 minutes to and from my job. Always struggle in the I hate the concept of 8 hour days. I don’t ever have time for myself anymore bc I’m always fucking working. Basically I'm 21 now and I've been working since 16. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. I hate that I feel that way. But it’s 2023 and everything is so expensive so this is it, I’ll just work until I’m old. I’m a 28-year-old male senior product manager at a Fortune 500 tech company. I work a full time job since 2016. Reading your post makes me feel some comfort knowing Im not the only one who feels this way. But realistically many people don't have room for a separate office, or even a proper desk. 5 months in. God damn, sitting at a cubicle and staring at a screen from 9-5 just makes me want to jump off the roof…Not to mention leetcoding and studying stuff at night to prepare hopping jobs or being laid off too. This is why I am starting my own business and considering freelancing whilst I pursue a career in teaching in the next year. Find ways to live or work communally- whether that is being vulnerable and asking co-workers to carpool or bring “family style potlucks” to work - you must build relationships at your workplace to connect and it cannot be thru trauma bonding over the labor abuses we all endure- sure talk about those issues- but find ways to build your My job is not that difficult and the truth is I get a substantial (compared to most full time jobs) amount of paid time off and a decent salary, but despite that, I don't want to work and don't know if I can make it retirement (I am 17 years away from that mark). I still wonder "why the fuck am I doing this" when I work out - but that's just the way it's going to feel when you're actually pushing yourself to the limit to become better. For the record, I worked minimum wage shop jobs when I was 20. Lukilely for me i started flipping homes which also led to spec builds. I’ve had 5 jobs since post grad, 2 program coordinator positions at nonprofits, 2 teaching positions at 2 different schools, and now I work in customer service for a Fortune 500 company. I can relate a lot. As soon as my boss left on my first day and I was handed over to my lead and my other coworkers, the first thing I asked was how long I was planning on staying at this job and when I was going to find a new job. It's the constant worrying about work, not having enough time for social or family, long hours, more and more pile of work and this never ending feeling of being tired all the time. After work ends, you go home and do your own thing. Other users comment with similar or different experiences and opinions. I hope the people who made this standard are boiled alive in hell. My store gets absolutely slammed with three times the amount of frieght than we are capable of working, but thats a familiar story in many Walmarts. I hate that I have missed out on so much life because of my work, especially on weekends. It’s the hours I hate. No such thing as a break for a teacher. Luckily I live in Colorado, and got hired as a cannabis trimmer with zero experience in the industry and only customer service jobs (and a useless navy enlistment) on my resume. I'm now building with full till job. Jan 19, 2023 · Do you hate working and want to find a way to enjoy it again? This article explores the reasons behind your dissatisfaction and offers some tips to turn it around. We work everyday. . Which is the right flavor for you? Since its so clear what you DON'T want, you gotta find out what you DO or you're just going to keep concentrating on whats not going well. I'm the same way. I don't hate my job, I love my job, I'm just jaded. It's working and not having a life. The worst part is these people who live for their office life demanded we go back to the office to work after 26 months of working from home during Covid. I work at a very well known fast food restaurant, and at first I really liked it. Learn how to focus on the positive, find an empathetic employer, and do what you truly love. The instructor was like get yourself into groups of 5 for the project. What's your ideal - a 9-5, 8-3, work anytime you want, or willing to work any hour as long as its meaningful. And I get why others hate the place as a whole. I love teaching and get a true fulfillment from it. Something that doesn't translate well to virtual work. I don't think it's working that you hate. You go to work and you give the least effort you can without getting fired. Feb 15, 2022 · Inside the rise and fall of r/antiwork — the Reddit community that made it OK to quit, but couldn’t quite do anything else. Plus what location and what work ethic. I'm considering just not nudging them anymore, doing the rest of the work myself, and privately emailing my professor about my classmates lack of participation. And recently went from working from home to back in office, for no good reason aside from upper management wanting to bring back the OfFiCe CuLtUrE. I honestly feel completely drained, even right now. She also suggested that we study together for quizzes and exams. I know she is going to say yes and she is so kind, but I am still anxious. If money weren’t a part of it I would do it still. Thank you for your comment. I hate getting complaints for things which aren't my fault. Try and develop a reward system mindset that will help start to reprogram your brain into enjoying working out so in the overall long run it becomes a little less stressful to workout and you might start to enjoy it. We create art, we invent new things, we push the frontiers of science. Using a throwaway account to share my feelings. As the title suggests, I hate my job. I hate getting up and using my time for just enough money to barely enjoy my life. 1 thing I do sometimes that helps, is I know I get my lunch break at my mid shift mark, so at least I know when I return from lunch break, my shifts half way over. I found a job I enjoyed and went to school for it. We brush our teeth, clean our house, cook, and workout. After work day at work I'd head to the remodel and work on the flip till 11pm and repeat the next day. I just hate the eggshell-walking, customer pandering and corporate culture (at least when working for someone else and bending over backwards for businesses of which you have little control). 419 votes, 83 comments. What I don't like are 50+ hour days, commuting up to an hour or more to get there and back, being constantly hounded and having to clean up other peoples messes because they can't be assed to do something properly. i remember working at target closing. I want to skip my lunch break and leave at 4pm today instead, but that involves asking my boss if I can do that. For the past six years, I have loathed every aspect of my work, regardless of the company or the role. Makes me wonder if they kept saying "team" and "work with our team" like dangling candy, and "team" is actually 400 people like a CSR center. I had an ex who's biggest dream was to be a fine artist, selling pieces in a gallery. Get home at six. worse part is everyone just accepted it so i was looked at as the I love it and I get to do new things every day and I am constantly learning and I get to work with great people who I genuinely care about, treat my employees well (in contrast to how I was treated as an employee) and volunteer my company’s time towards community projects I feel really good about. I hate obligations and hate having to be on somewhere every day. I hate it. I just hate being an adult so much and I hate having an adult job. I also dropped out of school, and also hate working with The Public. All this and it still sucks ass and I hate work. I can handle meetings and presentations without issue because I'm competent in my work and have preparation time. my ass stayed clocked in and complained all the time. I (28F), hate working. For the last 6 years I've lived in a large city working as a System Administrator, I also spent 4 years in college studying Computer Systems Technology. When it becomes a habit, you'll still hate the work, but you'll feel even worse if you miss a workout. I started riding my bike to work for this reason. I'm at a bit of a breaking point and it's making me depressed and anxious. So I’m stuck and I just hate it as a whole. I work in IT field as a developer (wfh) but I really don't find it interesting. Like what's the point? You're just working for someone else so they then look good and get paid more. I'm 26, been working for 4+ years, 3 in advertising agency and 1+ in corporate and I just really hate working now. The pay and benefits are very nice. That let to spec builds. I’m a waitress and was living in a $1200 apartment last year with another waitress. I’m constantly tired and in a shitty mood. emuhnt aghj cvb qbtf mlgv fdcal qglhdx dlqp cetqxyf imwm